Don't have big bucks in your marketing budget? It doesn't mean you can't make a big impact.
In this week’s free webinar presented by the Small Business Development Center at CSU Bakersfield, host and SBDC director, Kelly Bearden begins with a look at a bill passed by the House of Representatives last week that would inject $42 billion into the Restaurant Revitalization Fund if it passes the Senate. Other topics include updates on current government pandemic relief programs, and small business recovery opportunities.
Bearden is joined by award-winning author and marketing consultant, Claudia Newcorn. She discusses budget-friendly ways businesses can strategically reposition themselves, engage their existing customers, and increase awareness. Newcorn provides marketing examples from companies that survived the pandemic.
This marks the 109th in the weekly “Webinar Wednesday” series that provides reopening and current pandemic relief updates on available federal, state, and local funding options, tax credit programs, employee programs, and other opportunities helpful to employers and business owners.
The SBDC provides free one-on-one consulting to help small business owners. New and existing businesses can go to for more information or to sign up for assistance.